Turnitin Conference 2013

Recently a member of the eLearning team was lucky enough to attend the 2013 turnitin conference at the Leeds School of Music.   For those who are unfamiliar with turnitin- it is a piece of software for teaching staff that checks academic work for plagiarism, we use it here in the college to check for …

Hidden sections

The new version of Learnzone also lets you hide certain sections of your course until you are ready to unveil them, which is handy when planning and creating course materials for the upcoming year.   This option allows you to decide how the hidden sections in your course are displayed …

Dont forget to drag and drop!

      To make using Learnzone even easier, the clever people that created it have enabled a brilliant new function that lets you drag and drop folders/files straight into your page, making the uploading of your curriculum content even quicker!   You can drag and drop files and folders …

New LearnZone

  From the 20th of August 2013 you will be able to log on to Learnzone to see the new and improved appearance! Learnzone has been upgraded to the latest version of Moodle, enabling improved usability. The simple and clean design of the new layout is the product of much hard work …

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