AI Prompt: Map practical experiences to competencies.

This prompt is for students to use, you should promote it with your learners. This prompt is from Anthony ‘Lou’ Louch, from Public Services and helps students to create evidence for a particular assessment or application based on a real-life practical task; identifying how their practical experiences map to competencies. …

Microsoft Forms: Live Word Clouds and Polls

Microsoft Forms has had some great updates of recent and in this blog we will take a look at some of the most useful ones. Present Live Forms has recently introduced ‘Present’ which lets you use your Form or Quiz live in a classroom much like Mentimeter students can scan …

AI Prompt: Questioning (for Discussions)

This prompt is for students to use, you should promote it with your learners. They can customise this prompt to discover different questions they can use within discussions. We build our prompts using the PREPARE framework as a guide. To use the prompt below replace the text in [bold] with …

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