Microsoft Forms: Live Word Clouds and Polls

Microsoft Forms has had some great updates of recent and in this blog we will take a look at some of the most useful ones.

Present Live

Forms has recently introduced ‘Present’ which lets you use your Form or Quiz live in a classroom much like Mentimeter students can scan a QR code and join in. You can have a Word Cloud, and view multiple choice questions in a Treemap or Bar as responses come in.

Stream Interactions and Call Outs

Stream has re-introduced ‘Interactions’ where you can add Forms to your Stream video to make it interactive. You can also add ‘Call outs’ where text can appear on the screen for a set period of time.

Practice Mode

The perfect way for students to practice a test. If you activate ‘Practice mode’ Students can practice the test at their own pace and see correct answers for each question before submitting.

Find out more in the Microsoft YouTube video below.

PowerPoint Integration

If you want to add a word cloud, full form or quiz to your PowerPoint you can with Forms improved ‘Present Live’. PowerPoint has made it easier to make your PowerPoint presentation more interactive.

Forms can be found within the ‘Insert’ tab in the PowerPoint desktop app and within the ‘Add-Ins’ section of the ‘Home’ tab of PowerPoint online. From here you can pick the Form you want to add to a slide and select if you want to ‘Present Live’. By doing this you can showcase a QR code and have the responses appear live saving you from having to open third-party apps.

Forms in PowerPoint showing options, either 'Present for interactive meetings' or 'Collect response offline'
Forms in PowerPoint Word Cloud

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