Glossary #55 – eBook

eBook: the organisation of electronic information and graphics into chapters and made available to read via computer. Example: e-books can be created in Learnzone to deliver content in chapter format. They are clear and easy to read and present content in an engaging way.

Glossary #53 – SCORM

SCORM: is a set of technical standards for e-learning software products. Specifically, SCORM governs how online learning content and Learning Management Systems (LMSs) communicate with each other. SCORM stands for “Sharable Content Object Reference Model”.

Glossary #52 – Copyright

Copyright: is the legal protection for an author/creator which restricts the copying of an original work (writing, images, music)  they have created. Copyright in the UK is governed by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act (1988). Copyright covers not only written original work, music and images, it also covers websites, computer …

Glossary #50 – Web Tour

Web tour: is when an online participant of a conference or webinar is taken on a ‘tour’ via their screen of various websites, multimedia content, documents or even share the screen of the moderator (conference/webinar host). For example: You may be taken on a web tour, to show particular sites to highlight an idea …

Glossary #49 – Firewall

Firewall: A type security scheme that prevents any unauthorized users from gaining access to a computer network or that oversee all exchanges of information to and from the network. For example: we have firewalls in place that filter and monitor exchanges in and out of the college systems- this includes …

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