eSafety Moodle Course

The launch of the Loughborough College eSafety course in February 2014 saw over 500 students complete the course in its first month with a number of those achieving their gold badge. After releasing the course as an open resource, over 100 colleges have now downloaded it to date  – including …

How to report a Tweet

You can report Tweets that are in violation of the Twitter Rules or our Terms of Service. This includes spam, harassment, impersonation, copyright, or trademark violations. You can report any Tweet on Twitter, including Tweets in your home timeline, the Connect or Discover tabs, or in Twitter Search. To report …

eLearning mentioned by JISC

Today the team has kindly been mentioned by JISC RSC in regards to the current eSafety work we have been doing within Loughborough College. It has been a rather splendid project to work on and we are all very pleased with the result. The next stage is the version aimed at the teaching staff, which will …

Your Digital Footprint

Here is a thought provoking short video about the data that is available to companies about you and your daily life. This short video will take you through the digital footprint that you leave behind when you visit the shop, make a telephone call and browse social media. You may feel …

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