AI Prompt: Group Project

Customise and use the prompt below to help in the creation of a group project to use with your class studying a particular topic. We build our prompts using the PREPARE framework as a guide. To use the prompt below replace the text in [bold] with information relevant to you. …

AI Prompt: Glossary

Customise and use the prompt below to help in the creation of a glossary of common terms for your student. We build our prompts using the PREPARE framework as a guide. To use the prompt below replace the text in [bold] with information relevant to you. Once happy, copy and …

AI Prompt: Debate

Customise and use the prompt below to help in the creation of an outline for a student debate for your upcoming class. We build our prompts using the PREPARE framework as a guide. To use the prompt below replace the text in [bold] with information relevant to you. Once happy, …

AI Prompt: Motivation

This prompt is for students to use, you should promote it with your learners. If students are struggling with motivation for exams or assessments. They can use this prompt to get AI to help motivate them when they need it most. We build our prompts using the PREPARE framework as …

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