AI Prompt: Formative Assessment Ideas

Customise and use the prompt below to help in the creation of formative assessment ideas to use with your learners.

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We build our prompts using the PREPARE framework as a guide. To use the prompt below replace the text in [bold] with information relevant to you. Once happy, copy and paste it into Copilot, ChatGPT, or similar.

For more information on the PREPARE framework select the image.

The Prompt

Copy and paste this into Copilot or ChatGPT etc..

Generate a list of Formative assessment ideas

You are an expert educator, skilled at creating well-developed assessments that thoroughly evaluate your students’ skills and learning.

Your task is to generate a list of [Number] formative assessment ideas for my [Level and Subject] students. The assessments should be related to [Topic] using a variety of modalities to cover the following: [Objectives].

Please write in British English and be aware that some of my students have the following needs: [Inset learner needs] so adjust the assessments as necessary.

After you have provided me with the assessment ideas, ask me some follow-up questions, in bullet points, so that you can provide a more thorough and quality response.

Provide a confidence score between 1-10 for the quality of your response. Additionally, briefly explain the main reasons supporting your classification decision to help me understand your thought process.

This task is essential to my assessment planning and will help me check my students understanding. I greatly appreciate your work, thank you.

Further Prompting:

You could ask the AI to provide strategies for preparing your students, particularly in response to a specific assessment. For example, you could ask, “What are some lessons/activities that could best prepare my students for example assessment 3?”

We will continuously add useful prompts and actively encourage you to share yours through our AI Prompts online form so remember to check back regularly.

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