New Features for Whiteboard in Teams and more

Microsoft has added 8 fantastic new features to give you, even more, control over your Teams Whiteboards.

The new features include:

  • Aggregated reactions
  • Drag/drop image to Whiteboard from Desktop
  • Locking any object to the canvas
  • Zoom control improvements
  • Saved pen settings between Whiteboards
  • Add photos whiteboards on mobile devices
  • Enhance ink shapes with mouse
  • Partial line erasing

Find out about all of these features and how you can use them in Microsoft’s video below:

Along with these Whiteboard updates Microsoft announced a host of other features and useful information in their What’s New in Microsoft Teams for Education March 2022 blog post, including new features in Assignments, Advance fluency with Reading Progress, Reflect in OneNote and much more. Select the link to read more.

Further Help, Support and Guidance

As always, if you need any additional support please do not hesitate to contact the Digital Learning Team at

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