What the students said, and a demonstration of embedding a Google Form Summary

Further to last weeks post we thought it might be nice to share the students opinions, and a bit of a work around to show that you can not only share Google Form Summaries with the world, but also that you can embed them within an online space.

First this post will explain how to edit the Form Summary url, then it will hopefully explain how to embed the data.  If you don’t want to read how to do that, just click here to see the Form Summary.

To share a link to the form summary

In the Edit Form screen

Select More actions, Edit confirmation, tick Publish response summary, and Save.
Select See responses, Summary, now copy and paste the url into the area you are working in.

Edit the url code to replace  /gform?key=ajdkjagdkjahdkj with /viewanalytics?key=kjhkjcsgghandhj .
Note: the individual identifier code for the Form and the Summary will be different.

You should now have a url you can share with anyone which displays the form summary.

To embed the summary using an iframe

In the Edit Form screen

Select More actions, Edit confirmation, tick Publish response summary, and Save.
Select More actions, Embed, copy and paste the embed code to the area you are working in and select Cancel.
Select See responses, Summary, now copy and paste the url into the area you are working in.

Remember to leave a gap so you know which code is which.

Edit the embed code to replace  /embeddedform?formkey=ajdkjagdkjahdkj with /viewanalytics?key=kjhkjcsgghandhj .
Note: the individual identifier code for the Form and the Summary will be different.

You should now have an iframe which displays the form summary.
Tidy up, and Save and display

As promised, below you’ll find the raw data collected from the project.  To protect student information you’ll see that student numbers in the last question have been erased.  This has been done by creating a copy of the live form and editing that.

We hope you find the information useful.

[iframe https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewanalytics?key=0Av1rlbf1VYEvdGpRZnRpTDVIX3VqbFNocWlBUzVUMGc 760 1582]

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