Welcome to the all-new Digital Learning Newsletter. In this and future issues we will share essential news, CDP opportunities, top tips, and new technologies to improve your Digital Teaching, Learning and Assessment practice
Essential News
Core Principles – Our 7 digital core principles are the foundation for best practice in Digital Teaching, Learning and Assessment. Over the next three weeks, we will be examining how to apply our principles in LearnZone, Microsoft Teams, and more. Read the first post outlining the Core Principles here
LearnZone Enrolments – Since the start of October students have no longer been able to enrol themselves on course, unit, or module pages in LearnZone. As we have received several support requests on how to manage access to your LearnZone pages, we thought this would be a good time to remind staff of the process. Find out how to add a learner to your LearnZone pages here.
Interactive TV training
We have the opportunity for teaching staff to attend interactive (Clevertouch) TV training on the 19th October 13:00 -14:00 F101 please email digitallearning@loucoll.ac.uk to reserve your place.
Top Tip
PowerPoint Add-ins – Do you know about Add-ins in PowerPoint? With Add-ins you can embed Microsoft and third-party apps directly into your PowerPoint.
Microsoft Forms, Mentimeter, Poll Everywhere, and Thinglink are some of the current Add-ins available. You can have quizzes and Thinglink tours embedded directly into your PowerPoint, saving you from having to open extra windows and leaving your PowerPoint while presenting during your lesson.

To access the Add-ins, In PowerPoint head to the Insert tab and select My Add-ins, the Office Add-ins window will then open, select Admin Managed and you will see the current Add-ins available. Some add-ins will require an additional sign-in to choose the content you want to embed.
If have an app you use frequently in your class and know it has a PowerPoint Add-in let us know and we can look into getting it added.
Help Support

As always contact the Digital Learning Team to find out more information, guidance, and support.