After the initial excitement of winning the project Fast-tracking feedback has taken a slightly slower start, partly delayed by a wedding, a holiday, and the time it takes for paperwork to flow through systems however were are now up and running and looking forward to the first big milestone in the project, designing a feedback form.
A Google search of “assessment feedback form” reveals a number of templates and advice on designing student feedback, template examples from Edexcel seem to have influenced form design used by organisations such as Walton High, Bath College amongst others, and whilst each has applied its own twist they still look quite similar to the Loughborough College Example Feedback sheet.
In order to provide a baseline measure of the effectiveness of this feedback form student opinion is now being sought on improvements that could be made to give this project a base that staff and students are confident working with.
Finally, in Breaking News: The action plan for the project has been approved so hopefully progress should now be steady; so keep an eye on the blog for regular updates.