Thanks to everyone who has given feedback on the new LearnZone theme. We have now squashed a few bugs and errors that had appeared including;
- Page load times for staff: This affected teaching staff. You should see a dramatic improvement in speed as you click from page to page.
- My Courses/modules improvements: If you click on My Courses/ My Modules you will now only see the most recent courses you have been on rather than every course you have access to. If you click the star icon on a unit it will always appear in the list.
- Improved navigation through breadcrumbs*: When you navigate to a unit/module you will now have a breadcrumb trail appear so you can easily navigate back to a previous category or area.
If you need any help, training or guidance on all things LearnZone related, please get in touch.
*Breadcrumbs is the text navigation at the top of a page which allows you to click on to back to a previous page or section in a website (for example “Courses/A Levels/Science/Paper 1) It gets it’s names from the fairy tale of Hansel and Gretel.