As you may know, the eSafety resource went live yesterday, just in time for the National Safer Internet day campaign today! As part of the day, students were asked to get involved in the Safer Internet Day quiz, via the stands in A and B block. So far, 154 students have got involved, and enjoyed some sweets for their time, and those students who have given the right answer have been entered into the prize draw. The prize draw will be drawn later and those winners will be contacted via their student email… Good luck to all of you!!
Whilst we were looking at how many students have supported the day by getting involved, we also wanted to see how successful the eSafety resource had been throughout the tutorials over the past two days. It is great to see that 115 students, so far, have completed the resource and have been awarded Silver eSafety badges and 11 students have completed the ENTIRE page to be awarded the Gold eSafety badge. These types of figures go to show how well eSafety has been greeted within the college both in the support and participation by staff and students.