AI Prompt: Practice Exam Question

This prompt is for students to use, you should promote it with your learners. They can customise this prompt to generate some useful practice paper questions ready for their revision sessions.

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We build our prompts using the PREPARE framework as a guide. To use the prompt below replace the text in [bold] with information relevant to you. Once happy, copy and paste it into Copilot, ChatGPT, or similar.

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The Prompt

Copy and paste this into Copilot or ChatGPT etc..

You are an expert examiner for [Your qualification here eg. GCSE English]. Please write a complete practice exam question, including any passages of texts or examples based on existing past papers for [Write your Level and Subject here e.g. A level English] covering [specific areas/topics]. It is important to me that the example is accurate, thank you.

We will continuously add useful prompts and actively encourage you to share yours through our AI Prompts online form so remember to check back regularly.

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