In this, the last issue for this academic year, we share essential news, upcoming events, and what we have been doing recently, to help improve your Digital Teaching, Learning, and Assessment practice.
LearnZone Rollover 23/24
This year we are moving to a new version of LearnZone and as such will need a little more time to update the servers and roll your courses over. Key dates along with a link to the full blog post can be found below.
- Friday 7th July – Sunday 9th July – FELearnZone, HE LearnZone, and StaffZone sites cannot be used
- Monday 10th July 8:30am – HELearnZone access restored and can be used as normal
- Tuesday 11th July 8:30am – FELearnZone and StaffZone access restored and can be used as normal
Find out more in our blog post
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI is a hot debate topic currently, with lots of news items and people across the sector talking about how it will impact Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (TLA). As part of CPD week, there are sessions about AI for Business support staff on Wednesday 5th July and again for Curriculum staff on Thursday 6th July.
Please contact Dan Vaughan if you have any concerns regarding AI misconduct or guidance.
Upcoming Events
Digital Learning CPD Week Sessions
The Digital Learning team are running some exciting sessions during CPD Week that are not to be missed:
- The Rising Tide – A Differentiated Learning Experience – Monday 03/07/23 at 9:15 – 10:45
- Differentiated Learning Using LearnZone settings – Monday 03/07/23 at 13:00 – 14:00
- VR Experience – Monday 03/07/23 at 13:30 – 14:00 and 14:00 – 14:30 (20-minute use)
- Accessibility Training – Monday 03/07/23 at 14:15 – 15:45
- One Drive/SharePoint – Tuesday 04/07/23 at 11:00 – 12:30
- The Rising Tide – A Differentiated Learning Experience – Tuesday 04/07/23 at 13:00 – 14:30
- Make your LearnZone Resources Accessible – Tuesday 04/07/23 at 15:00 – 16:00
- Padlet – Wednesday 05/07/23 at 09:00 – 10:00
- The AI Revolution – Business Support – Wednesday 05/07/23 at 09:00 – 10:00
- One Note & Class Notebook – Wednesday 05/07/23 at 10:45 – 12:15
- Thinglink – Create online immersive experiences for your Learners – Wednesday 05/07/23 at 13:00 – 14:00
- Microsoft Forms – Wednesday 05/07/23 at 14:30 – 15:30
What’s Happening
FE Presentations
Not only have we been busy planning our CPD week sessions, but we have also been live streaming the fantastic FE Presentations where teachers, learners, family, carers, and friends got to celebrate student success. If you missed any of the action, the links to each ceremony are below.
- Access to HE – Rewatch the ceremony on YouTube
- Hairdressing, Barbering and Beauty – Rewatch the ceremony on YouTube
- Games, Media and Digital – Rewatch the ceremony on YouTube
- ESport and Sport (FE) – Rewatch the ceremony on YouTube
- Business, Engineering, Electrical and Motor Vehicle – Rewatch the ceremony on YouTube
- Creative Arts – Art & Design, Performing Arts, Music – Rewatch the ceremony on YouTube
- Sixth Form – Rewatch the ceremony on YouTube
- Caring Services – Rewatch the ceremony on YouTube
- Public Services – Rewatch the ceremony on YouTube
- Hospitality & Catering, Travel & Tourism – Rewatch the ceremony on YouTube
Summer Holidays
The Digital Learning Team wish you all a fantastic and restful summer break. We look forward to working with you next academic year.
Help and Support

The Digital Learning team is available all summer so as always contact the Digital Learning Team for more information, guidance, and support.