PebblePad is an ePortfolio tool that works brilliantly for ongoing student portfolios. Staff are able to create template portfolios or encourage learners to build their own. PebblePad is widely used in the medical and sport sectors, as well as by many universities. But what do our students think? Aimee Skinner has trialled PebblePad with our Access HE Students to find out.
What were students asked to do?
As part of a study skills module, students were asked to complete a PebblePad workbook. Using the capability feature, students were asked to rate themselves in particular areas and justify the rating. The capabilities function offers some great benefits, allowing students to revisit their response and upload evidence to support their justification. Students were then asked to complete a range of questions within the workbook and submit it.

How easy was the marking?
PebblePad has its own inbuilt assessment space, known as ATLAS. Here, staff can access Turnitin originality reports, add feedback, and complete rubrics. For those wanting more, there are reports on multiple-choice questions to inform your teaching, a conversation area, and a space to host course resources.
The marking area is relatively straightforward. On-page feedback can be given alongside general comments, and a grade can be added too.
What else can it do?
The possibilities are endless. Students are able to showcase other online content such as embedded YouTube videos, keep a written blog that is easily marked by staff, create a CV, and much more.
So what did students think?
We asked students to complete a survey, which received 18 responses.
What did students say about the experience?
“Well organised and safe compared to paper-based.”
“No risk of losing the paperwork. Looks tidy.”
“It’s a good introduction to what I might expect to be using whilst at university.”
So, would students rather complete a paper portfolio? In short, no. Around three quarters of students surveyed agreed that the PebblePad portfolio was more effective than a paper-based one. Additionally, 94% of students agreed that the portfolio helped them to showcase their study skills.
The overall rating given by the group was just shy of 4 stars. With their comments, the eLearning team will be working with Aimee to improve the experience for the next academic year.
If you would like to discuss the use of PebblePad for your HE area, please get in touch with