Class Dojo is a fun way of engaging a class and giving them an opportunity to create a character to represent them. From simple tasks such as taking attendance to rewarding individual students, groups or the whole class. Using a points based system and each student having their own avatar, Class Dojo encourages good behaviour, discourages bad behaviour whilst giving the opportunity to inject healthy competition into the classroom. |
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Impact On Learners
Class Dojo is a great new way of rewarding good behaviour in the classroom, while also discouraging any inappropriate behaviour. Points can be awarded either to individuals or to the whole class for a range of things, including giving a correct answer, being on task and helping others. On the other hand, points can be taken away for forgotten lanyards or rudeness. I have used Class Dojo with my class in Foundation Learning and I have seen a marked improvement in behaviour, as well as some good-natured competitiveness! – George Owen
The eLearning Rating
We really like the way Class Dojo offers a range of functions, all in one place. If it is used in its simplest form in order to take registers and write notes next to students, it is quite useful. However, if the points system is used, the students create their own avatars and reports are sent to parents, the app becomes a very efficient way of managing the classroom.