Your Digital Footprint

Here is a thought provoking short video about the data that is available to companies about you and your daily life. This short video will take you through the digital footprint that you leave behind when you visit the shop, make a telephone call and browse social media. You may feel …

How to shorten URLs

If you ever need to send a link of a website to colleagues or learners it can sometime look messy if the link is pretty long. You can however shorten this link which can make it look a lot tidier! Not only this, but by shortening URLs you can also …

Google Drive/Docs

Google Drive is an online word processor, slide show, spreadsheet, form and storage service provided by Google. Documents can be created or uploaded, stored securely and shared, and edited online while collaborating in real-time with other Google Drive users. An excellent overview of Google Drive can be seen in this …

Spreadsheet software

Spreadsheet software is an application where data is arranged within a table structure on separate sheets where the parts of the table interlink with other parts.  This enables the management of data, through the implementation of formulas, formatting and the creation of figures.  Microsoft excel is the most commonly known spreadsoft package, however Google now …

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