What was the purpose?

I needed a way to provide my students with voiced over PowerPoints that did not have to be downloaded, as some students were struggling with the file sizes and were therefore unable to access the teaching resources.
Additionally, I wanted a method of adding a voice over to word documents containing students’ tasks to provide supplementary explanations.
The eLearning team introduced me to Microsoft Stream, which is an internal YouTube-like platform, that I could use to convert my PowerPoints into videos and then upload. I aimed for each video to approximately 15 minutes and once uploaded, students were free to watch the screen recorded videos containing my voice over audio.
Not only have I found this system very user friendly I have also had great feedback from the students who say they prefer this method. This has been a great assistance to me to help teach remotely and I will continue to explore how I can use this going forward for the benefit of my students.
Are there any lessons learned?
You will need to keep an eye on the time and plan what you want to say in that session – as it was just a 15-minute grab. But creating videos that contain small chunks of content is an effective method as you can break down what you want to say and just give it to the students in smaller sections. Using this method has helped me to be more focused and clear on what I wanted to tell them. I also found it easy to do additional detailed videos for students that needed it and those that didn’t just refer to the main video.
What was the feedback from learners?
Hi Corinne,
I really like the use of Microsoft Stream. I think it’s really nice to be able to stop and start the video so you can make a bit more detailed notes which you can’t do on PowerPoint. I seem to get through it quicker on Stream than I do PowerPoint, which I definitely like! Personally, I wouldn’t change anything as I think it’s a very easy and nice way to communicate our lessons.
Thank you,
Hollie Goodwin
Online support and training
Here is our Quick Glance at Microsoft Stream Capture which can be used by staff and learners as as part of our The learning Technology channel. I is a great a starting point for using this feature for instructional materials,assessment feedback, peer assessments,self assessment and formative and summative assessment.