Minimum Expectations for LearnZone

What are the Minimum Expectations?

The Digital Learning Team has developed two models for the college’s online provision, see below, to ensure a clear consistent learning journey for students. Curriculum teams have identified which of the two models they intend to choose. This blog outlines what content must be included on your learning platforms to meet the minimum expectations for your model.

PlatformModel 1 LearnZone as the main learning platform
(current model)
Model 2 Teams as the main learning platform
(new model)
Teams– Synchronous learning via Teams meetings and Breakout rooms

– Class community / discussion using Channels
– Synchronous learning via Teams Meetings and Breakout rooms
– Class community / discussion using Channels

– Formative assessments using Teams Assignments and approved 3rd party apps

– Resources and activities structured using MS Classwork
LearnZone– Formative assessments using LearnZone activities and approved 3rd party apps

– Resources and Activities structured using LearnZone Sections.

– Summative assessment using LearnZone Turnitin activity
– Summative assessment using LearnZone Turnitin activity
Expectations for Course Pages

Naming Conventions

The naming of course pages must be clear and easy for students to understand and find. The course page should be labelled with the full name of the course, unit, or module.

Course Page Overview

The details of the course, unit, module or summative assessment must be clearly displayed to students in the Introduction section. Course specification documents likely offer the text that can be adapted for this purpose. Ensuring this information has been added will help all users to be able to fully identify a course, unit, or module.

Contact Details

The contact details for the teacher/s of the course, unit, or module must be clearly displayed on the Introduction section of the page. This should include a name and email. However, it may also include office locations and working hours of each teacher involved in delivering the content.

Section Management

Sections should be logically ordered, and each section should be labelled consistently with a meaningful name that reflects the topic or assessment students are working on. Section names should be reasonable in length to fit well into the links on the left of the course page.

Each section must only be visible if it contains content. Empty sections should be hidden from students to avoid confusion. If a section is no longer required, it should be permanently deleted.

Activities & Resources (Model 1 Only)

If you are using LearnZone as your main system to host course content and resources (Model 1) a well-designed course should contain relevant and up to date activities and resources to support the learning journey. You should only share course resources through LearnZone as part of Model 1.

All resources, for example, course materials such as handouts and PowerPoints should be uploaded to LearnZone and meet accessibility legislation. Examination and Exemplar materials should also be added to a relevant section where appropriate.

To provide simplified navigation activities and resources should be broken down into clear topics using labels.  All content should be maintained and relevant.

You should try and use a variety of interactive activities for formative assessment to promote deeper learning experiences. Activities can be one of LearnZone’s built-in activities or links to approved technologies. Remember any unfinished content should be hidden from students until it’s ready to go live on the course page. Teachers will still be able to see this, but students will not.

Any resources or activities that are no longer relevant should be hidden, removed, or archived to a hidden section.

Summative Assessment 

Unless clearly identified, summative assessments must use the Turnitin system for any content containing text that contributes toward your awarded grade/classification/final grade, including supporting materials for practical assessment such as slide decks, cue cards, and session plans.

To ensure consistent effective assessment you must provide:

  1. Dedicated Assessment Sections – Assessments must be clearly signposted in their own logical section/s.  If you have more than one unit/module on your LearnZone course page you should use different sections for each unit/modules submissions.
  2. Assessment Brief and Resources – In each submission section you must include the relevant assessment brief criteria which will outline what evidence is needed to achieve each grade during the assessment. Additionally, you should include any essential documentation needed to successfully complete the assessment.
  3. Turnitin Submissions – Turnitin submissions must have titles and dates that are in line with the ProMonitor assessment schedule for the qualification and group.
  4. Support – Students should know where to go for support with the assessments. Ideally, students should be directed to a range of people or services (e.g. Wellbeing) that may help them succeed in the assessment.
  5. Assessment Rules – Students should know where to find information on the rules of the assessment concerning appeals, re-submissions, and other pertinent details relating to the type of qualification being studied. Links to the college’s Assessment and Plagiarism policies should also be added to the relevant section.

All documentation uploaded to LearnZone must meet accessibility legislation guidelines.

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As always contact the Digital Learning Team for more information, guidance, and support.

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