Glossary #67 – Internet bot

Internet bot: An Internet bot, also known as web robot or simply bot, is a software application that runs automated tasks over the Internet. Typically, bots perform tasks that are both simple and structurally repetitive, at a much higher and faster rate than would be possible for any human. alone  

Glossary #65 – e-portfolio

e-portfolio: An electronic portfolio is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web. It usually contains written text, images, files, links to video and audio files hosted on the web. For example: Mahara is an e-portfolio that we use here in college. It …

Glossary #64 – High contrast

High contrast: This is a way to alter how you view online/computer content. It is an accessibility feature that is built into most computer and allows people with vision impairments or specific learning needs to change the size and colour of fonts and the background for ease of viewing. For example: You may alter …

Glosary #63 – Prezi

Prezi: an online presentation builder that lets the user create highly visual and animated presentations which can be shared via email or viewed online/offline or even shared through Facebook. This relatively new medium (which was first developed in 2009) had over 500 million Prezi presentations viewed online this year. Example: for examples …

Glossary #62 – Vector graphic

Vector Graphic: is a resolution independent graphic format that allows easy resizing without pixilation or distortion. Vector graphics are useful in graphic design when creating posters, Powerpoint slides, marketing tools, handouts or student handbooks. You can view example Vector graphics on Thinkstock- the online image catalogue. For more information on how …

Glossary #59 – Openness

Openness: in an education or work environment, openness is about the sharing of ideas and making work that is produced accessible to others. It is an ethos that promotes teamwork and can be a benefit for educators as it means that resources can be created and shared collaboratively.  

Glossary #58 – Microblog

Microblog: Is a type of online publishing that differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically smaller in size. Usually microblogs contain information about what someone is doing, what ideas they are having, what they plan to do or even what they are eating for dinner! For …

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