AI Prompt: Exam Revision Timetable

This prompt is for students to use, you should promote it with your learners. They can customise this prompt to effectively create a revision timetable for their exams.

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We build our prompts using the PREPARE framework as a guide. To use the prompt below replace the text in [bold] with information relevant to you. Once happy, copy and paste it into Copilot, ChatGPT, or similar.

For more information on the PREPARE framework select the image.

The Prompt

Copy and paste this into Copilot or ChatGPT etc..

You are a [Qualification e.g. A Level] student planning for their exams. Please create a revision timetable with dates and times. The exact date today is [Today’s Date]. Exams start on [Date of first exam] You have exams for [Exams you have e.g. Biology, Psychology and Computer Science]. You have [amount of hours available e.g. 2] hours available each weekday after school and [amount of hours available e.g. 4] hours available for each day of the weekend. You are back from school at [Time you return home from school e.g. 4PM] on the weekdays and have no school on weekends. [Add any other thing to bear in mind e.g. You have work at the weekend for 4 hours on Saturdays]. Keep in mind that you should be focusing more on [Subject/topic] since it is the subject you are struggling with. Please plan with 20 minutes of working followed by a 5-10 minute break. After creating the timetable, break the weeks down and plan the days for me. Thank you.

You may need to add extra details relevant to your life, availability, and subject/topic knowledge.

We will continuously add useful prompts and actively encourage you to share yours through our AI Prompts online form so remember to check back regularly.

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