AI Prompt: FE Scheme of Learning (SOL): Weekly Plan

Customise and Copy and paste this into Copilot or ChatGPT etc.. prompt below to help with ideas generation for your Scheme of learning

The Prompt

Write a comprehensive and complete scheme of learning weekly plan. You are an expert teacher teaching [Enter the Unit as it appears in the official documentation] of [Enter the full title of the course as it appears in the official documentation].

Please emphasise how teachers will provide challenging, sequential teaching that enables your learners to accelerate their knowledge and skills through increasingly complex subject matter that alters their long-term memories and takes them closer to their curricular goals.

Write the complete scheme of learning for every week and format it in a table using the headings as follows:

Week Number


Key dates

Topic and Learning Objectives

Teaching and Learning Activities

Assessment Methods

Learning Resources

Complete the table using the information below as a guide

Week number: should be sequential for [Enter the number of week your course will be taught over] weeks.

Date: should be for a [Enter the day/s this will be taught] of each week starting from week commencing [Enter the start date of the course]

Key dates: should indicate significant milestones in the learning journey

Topic and learning objectives: Must be based on Bloom’s Taxonomy and consider AOs/ACs, Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours.

Teaching and Learning Activities: must consider the abilities and prior attainment of all learners to ensure that delivery provides support, stretch and challenge so that all learners achieve their aspirational targets.

Plan strategies that consider opportunities to develop (where applicable) British values, equality and diversity, English and maths, On Trend Skills and digital skills.

Assessment Methods: must ensure that learning is frequently checked and assessment methods are varied, to enable accurate judgements to be made of the progress of all learners both formal and informal.

Learning resources: must be meet UK accessibility legislation and adaptable to meet learners’ individual needs.

After the table identify how the plan meets the course requirements, uses Bloom’s taxonomy and British values and Freddie. Also expand any abbreviations within the plan.

Write the complete scheme of learning for all weeks identified in concise British English.

It is essential to my planning so please make your response of a high standard thank you.

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