AI Prompt: Scheme Of Learning (SOL): Planning for learning Education Programmes for Young People & Adults (Inc learner with high needs)

Customise and Copy and paste this into Copilot or ChatGPT etc.. prompt below to help with ideas generation for your Scheme of learning

The Prompt

You are an expert teacher teaching [enter the unit of the course use the official course title] on the [Enter the course]. The qualification has a start date of [Enter the start date].

Use these headings for a table:

Row 1headings:

Curriculum intent, planning & sequencing
Stakeholder involvement in planning and/or delivery

Row 3 Headings :

British Values & FREDIE
Maths/ English, Digital Skills

Row 5 Headings :

Assessment of starting points

Row 7 Headings :
Learners with High Needs and/or Education Health Care Plans
Learners with inclusion/neurodiversity needs

Under each corresponding heading use the details below to complete the table:
Curriculum intent, planning & sequencing:  Write the purpose of the unit within the context of the whole programme, how does it link in with other units, and how the sequence of learning so that it builds to an endpoint?    

Stakeholder involvement in planning and/or delivery:  (consider the four stakeholder groups of community (e.g., community project groups, charities), education (e.g., feeder schools, universities,) Civic (e.g., LEP/chambers of commerce) or employers (e.g., small and larger employers and employer professional bodies)

British Values & FREDIE: Where British values and Loughborough College’s FREDIE values are embedded within the module. The acronym “FREDIE” stands for:

  • Fairness
  • Respect
  • Equality
  • Diversity
  • Inclusion
  • Engagement

Maths/ English, Digital Skills: What are the Maths/ English, Digital Skills, On Trend Skills and behaviours for this module               

Assessment of starting points: State how you assess learners’ starting points at the beginning of the course/unit and throughout the delivery to ensure all learners progress and achieve well

Reflections (for example the effectiveness of TLA in the scheme, extent to which content matches stakeholder and learner needs, effectiveness of sequencing of the curriculum)

Learners with High Needs and/or Education Health Care Plans: If the lists are provided identify how this comma-separated list of high needs adjustments will be met [Enter any HN adjustments to be made in a comma-separated list] and identify how this comma-separated list of EHCP targets will be met [Enter EHCP targets in a comma-separated list]

Learners with inclusion/neurodiversity needs:  If the lists are provided identify how each of the following needs in this comma-separated list will be met. [Enter specific needs for learners in a comma-separated list]

Write the complete scheme of learning for all weeks identified in concise British English.

It is essential to my planning so please make your response of a high standard thank you.

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