As we are now in the thick of exam season and learners’ revision is well underway, it is worth getting students to utilise Quizlet‘s digital flashcards, a fantastic way to study and build up the memory of keywords and descriptions ready for those exam questions.
Students can create their own study sets easily from their notes

With a free Quizlet account learners can create and use study sets, they then have different options on how they would like to learn, either through:
‘Flashcards‘ with a Term on one side and a description on the other.
‘Learn‘ where you can personalise the learning experience including ‘Study quickly’ or ‘Memorise it all’ options, you can also select how well you know the topic already which will alter the learning experience for them.
With a free account, you can ‘Test‘ yourself once per study set so if you want to make use of this feature we would suggest using it during the last revision session before the exam.
‘Match‘ is a game where you race against time to match the term with the description.
Finally ‘Q-chat (beta)‘ is an AI tool that will quiz you on the subject.
As well as creating their own study sets learners can also search through pre-made sets by searching ‘GCSE Maths’ or ‘A Level’ then the subject for example, and they will find a wealth of options to pick from.
The Digital Learning team would like to wish all learners going through any exams the best of luck!
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As always contact the Digital Learning Team for more information, guidance, and support.