What is a blog?
A blog is a term that is derived from the phrase Weblog. Blogs are a collection of posts made by a user or users reporting news quite often on a particular subject but can be on a wide range of subjects. In addition to the author of a blog being able to add content to the site, readers can add content by adding comments to posts and pages. There is a link below to a video which will explain further. [youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NN2I1pWXjXI&feature=player_embedded”]
How blogs can be used in teaching and learning
As a news feed
A blog could be just used in its simplest form, which is to pass on information to learners about a particular topic. A feed can be placed within a LearnZone course or just linked to from there. Even here a blog can be interactive with learners having the ability to comment on posts.
For peer assessment
Blogs have been used to allow learners to peer mark and assess each others work. A task could be set in lesson for each learner to write a short post and then in turn each learner could comment on another learners post.
For assignment submission
Used along side LearnZone assignment hand in, a blog can be used to submit work. The comments feature allows tutors to leave learner feedback and the using LearnZone assignment hand in allows the tutor to track the submission and leave a grade in the grade book.
Blogging Software
WordPress is a very powerful piece of blogging software. You can create a blog by visisting WordPress at the following site:- http://wordpress.com/
Blogger is a simpler blogging tool but is link to Google accounts so would be very useful within college. www.blogger.com
Blog Examples
http://www.open.ac.uk/platform/blogs http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/mortarboard