StaffZone is the online training area which has been designed to complement the current face to face staff training at the College.
Its main aim is to offer easy access to mandatory training and a range of support on Learning Technologies and Teaching and Learning. A secondary aim is to act as an exemplar for a LearnZone environment as all you see can be replicated within LearnZone.
Nb: Additional sections are in development and you will be notified when further content is available.
Other key features include;
Video and written support for Learning Technologies e.g. Turnitin.
- Handy links to useful places/websites such as the Staff Development booking system and our YouTube channel.
- Latest education news from BBC, Ofsted and HEFCE.
- A sandbox area for Staff to create courses and practice using LearnZone (Moodle) features.
- Links to other College websites
To logon to StaffZone you can use your usual network username and password using the login link on the StaffZone homepage or via LearnZone.
Before you get going please watch the 4 minute introduction video.
[youtube_sc url=””]
To get started visit:, use the SharePoint homepage or use the link located in the top left corner of LearnZone, when signed in.