Spiral – Ask engaging questions


Spiral is a collaborative learning tool that allows students to interact with questions and prompts, without the pressure of being marked in front of their peers. The responses can either be in the form of a short answer or a drawing, which is then submitted for the teacher to view, and share with the class if they decide to do so. These questions can also be shown alongside a presentation that can be built in the website or imported from PowerPoint.

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x70seL2coQ&rel=0″ width=”640″ height=”500″ rel=”0″]

Impact On Learners

The impact on learners really depends on the group and the use of spiral. It is ideal for getting a class involved in discussions and provoking thoughts prior to a verbal discussion. By asking questions which will get responses from everybody in the class, it can really affect the involvement of individuals. It is also ideal for use inside presentations so that you can get feedback, ask questions and promote discussions instead of allowing students to be passive during a presentation.

The eLearning Rating

We have  been promoting Spiral around college and it seems to have been received very well. It is a very basic use of mobile devices to get students involved and participating in classroom discussion. The questions are easy to set up and can be done very quickly making it an ideal tool for someone to use who has not used much Learning Technology before.


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